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The 7 Dirtiest Places in Your Home

Writer's picture: Everest Microbial DefenseEverest Microbial Defense

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

When disinfecting is more important than ever, you want to make sure you are spending a little extra time cleaning these 7 places in your home. 

1. Doorknobs, Cabinet Handles and Handrails These areas tend to get the most touching action. Wipe them down regularly with disinfectant. 

2. Floors/Rugs at All Exterior Doors Everywhere your shoes touch during your day is tracked in the entry way to your exterior doors. Keeping this area clean prevents those germs from making their way into your home. 

3. Refrigerator and Freezer There are so many hard to reach areas in your fridge and freezer that can harbor old food, spills and more. Try to empty them once a month and wipe the interiors and exteriors down. 

4. Silverware Tray It’s always a wonder how silverware trays accumulate what they do, but somehow they always seems to catch a lot of crumbs. You want to keep that area as clean as possible since silverware goes directly into your mouth. After emptying out all the silverware, run it through the dishwasher or soak it in hot soapy water. 

5. Kitchen Sink Think about everything that gets washed down the sink; rinsed raw chicken, old vegetables, dirt and more from rinsing produce. You can see why it’s import to properly clean and disinfect your kitchen sink often. Also, pick a protectant to protect your clean from odors, such as the EV360™, which can keep the area protected from odor causing microbes for up to 90 days.

6. Bathtubs Bathtubs see a lot of moisture which makes them the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. Wipe it down often with your favorite abrasive sponge or brush and disinfectant. Everest Microbial Defense’s NoStench sponges stay odor free for up to 90 days! 

7. Bathroom Sink Dirty hands make their way to the faucet on your bathroom sink. Don’t forget about the soap dispenser and other things sitting on your bathroom sink that may be touched with dirty hands. Wipes down the sink and everything on it often with disinfectant. 

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